Sometimes you have to go back in order to move forward...

Those of you that have been following the blog I've decided to start from the beginning... please enjoy as we go back in time to when I met these men, fell in love and had my heartbroken. I’d like to say that many of these men shaped my life, but in truth very few did. Some shaped who I have become, some
drastically changed who I wanted to be and yet some just faded into the night. I wish I could say that it all ends Happily Ever After, but this isn’t a romantic comedy. It isn’t about happy endings, at least not the kind I dreamt of as a little girl. Because sometimes in life the princess doesn’t get to keep her
prince. And sometimes the prince is just a frog. But if you take anything from my mismatched romances it is this- the journey is often better than the destination. The names have been changed, but I can guarantee the stories are real. Or at least how I remember them. So sit back, grab a glass of wine and
join me on 4 years of dating, living and laughing.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Gidget does Christmas

“Surfing is like making love. It always feels good,
No matter how many times you’ve done it”
Paul Strand

People ask me all the time why I love California so much. And you only have to look at a day like today to understand why. 80 degrees at the beach with a perfect swell coming in, 10-15 foot waves breaking perfectly. Now that might seem like a great summer day to you, but it in fact is a fantastic winter dream! It’s 33 in New York, 21 in Chicago and currently 79 in Malibu. This is why I live in California. Anywhere else I would be bundled up in my winter warmest looking like Ralphie from A Christmas Story and instead I am taking out the Bikini and getting some sun.It’s 4 days till Christmas and instead of making a snowman I’m planning to head out of work early (gotta love those Hiatus weeks), grab my board, my wetsuit and my new man and heading up to County Line to enjoy the waves. Looks like Santa is bringing me just what I want for Christmas- Some warm weather, some breathtaking waves, and Mr. Rio Perch. What more could I ask for? I may not have the feelings for Mr. Rio Perch like I did for Mr. Scorpion I wonder if I ever will. Or if I will ever get over this feeling of emptiness that I seem to have since he left. But for now I’m enjoying uncomplicated. And a little uncomplicated and fun is just what I need right now. Looks like this is shaping up to be one hell of a winter break…

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