Sometimes you have to go back in order to move forward...

Those of you that have been following the blog I've decided to start from the beginning... please enjoy as we go back in time to when I met these men, fell in love and had my heartbroken. I’d like to say that many of these men shaped my life, but in truth very few did. Some shaped who I have become, some
drastically changed who I wanted to be and yet some just faded into the night. I wish I could say that it all ends Happily Ever After, but this isn’t a romantic comedy. It isn’t about happy endings, at least not the kind I dreamt of as a little girl. Because sometimes in life the princess doesn’t get to keep her
prince. And sometimes the prince is just a frog. But if you take anything from my mismatched romances it is this- the journey is often better than the destination. The names have been changed, but I can guarantee the stories are real. Or at least how I remember them. So sit back, grab a glass of wine and
join me on 4 years of dating, living and laughing.

Thursday, December 8, 2005


“I’m at home alone and as hard as a rock just thinking about you…”
-From Mr. Scorpion Fish

When did we start to be reachable 24-7? When did we need to be able to check our e-mail while we were at work, in the car, at a bar, even surfing? When did even a phone call became too much and we started to rely on text messaging as our only means of communication?

Now I am the queen of being lazy. I have my cell phone attached to me at all times. I check my e-mail every 15 minutes. I text message more than I call people most days. Although I don’t know if it is so much about being lazy as having to multitask. We can now check our messages while out grocery shopping. Return calls while walking the dog. I even was able to have text-sex this week while at a run-thru. It’s a matter of trying to pack as much you can into your day.

But this week I learned my lesson. From now on if I need to talk to someone I will be doing it face to face without the hindrance of technology. While texting back and forth with a friend, the person I was talking about somehow got the text. I found this out when Scorpion Fish sent me a text me back: “So why aren’t we having sex for Christmas”! Now it could have been worse. It could have gone to my father or an ex, but it still put me in an awkward position. Not only did I have to explain what I was talking about, but I also had to explain why I was talking to his cousin about our sex life. All in all, not the best situation.

So learn from my mistake. Talk to your friends face to face. Take them out for coffee or a beer and really catch up. Don’t rely on messages sent by your phone or your computer. Don’t send out that mass e-mail. Catch up with the friends you haven’t seen in person. You will actually be able to find out what is new with them instead of just informing them the quick version of your life. And if you have to use the phone to talk to them, do it when you have time to really chat. Don’t do it from your car, or your office, or just before you head into the gym. Take an hour and really see what they’ve been up to. Trust me, you have more time than you think you do. Stop making excuses. Call them. See them. And if you do you might be surprised with the results you get.

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